












Empowering Students to Lead with Confidence

在特, you will have opportunities to serve with other students and faculty to make an impact on Foxcroft, 更大的社区, 这个世界. 

Through active participation in endeavors ranging from Student Council, 体育协会, 及活动委员会 to service-learning projects, 班级旅行, 宿舍会议, you can share your unique talents and interests to play an important role in shaping our community.

student gives a speech during graduation

在特, we believe that each girl has the ability and responsibility to contribute to her community in meaningful and positive ways.

诚实的 & 值得信赖的

With “clear vision” and “clean hearts” Foxcroft leaders understand, model and uphold our core values of respect, 完整性, 善良和服务. 通过深思熟虑的领导, they work to nurture an inclusive community where each girl feels she like she belongs. Demonstrating courage when daring to speak up to unkind actions and words; confidence, by asking questions and sharing new ideas; humility by taking responsibility and learning from mistakes; and compassion by modeling kindness and understanding heart.

订婚了 & 授权

我们的女孩能带来改变, and a big part of the reason is that, 在特, every student learns that she has the opportunity and the responsibility to make a positive impact in her community and in the world. We call on each student’s active engagement in a variety of student-centered 项目 that range from Student Council, 福克斯/猎犬, 体育协会, 及活动委员会, 年级经历, service learning and dorm living.

成长型 & 有弹性的

We know that confidence is gained through active engagement, self-awareness and skill development. That is why leadership 在特 is an honor, a responsibility and a skill. No matter the role - whether formal or informal - each girl is intentionally stretched to develop as a leader. 通过建议和指导, she will learn to identify her strengths, 从她的错误中吸取教训, and make the effort to share her talents and interests with the community.

Foxcroft offers an array of leadership and everyone is involved, whether that is in a big or small role. My favorite leadership position I hold is a Whip (first year student leader in the dorm) in the freshman dorm. I love being able to support New Girls in their transition from living at home to community living here 在特. ——Ruby D., 2025届毕业生



学生会, led by the 学生会主席, is the governing body of all student organizations. The Council strives to uphold Foxcroft’s shared values, to nurture a positive and inclusive school community and ensure that our 项目 remain mission appropriate and relevant to the student body.



Foxcroft is a community built on trust. A Foxcroft girl is respectful to others and their property, dedicates herself to her academic pursuits, and models the School's expectations both on and off school grounds. Every student in the Foxcroft community is expected to be honest in her academic work and in her interactions with members of the community. 说谎, 作弊, 或偷, including plagiarism and the use of any false identities, 违反了我们的荣誉准则, 被认为是被禁止的行为, and will result in disciplinary action.